
The Estate of Sarah Grilo aims to preserve and advance global understanding of the legacy of the artist's life and artwork.
Phone: +1 917.913.6102 / + 34 630 254670
We invite owners of works by Sarah Grilo to submit paintings and works on paper for inclusion in the online catalogue raisonné of her oeuvre. Please send images and details to info@sarahgrilo.com.
We will confirm receipt. Thank you.
The Estate of Sarah Grilo aims to preserve and advance global understanding of the legacy of the artist's life and artwork.
Phone: +1 917.913.6102 / + 34 630 254670
Washburn, Gordon Bailey. The 1958 Piitsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. Exh. cat., Department of Fine Arts, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1958